Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision.
The Rotary People of Action Huntsville Club is a club made up of like minded people who are passionate about giving back to our community.
Our motto - Boots on the ground, hands on our hearts, making a difference where we work, live and play.
Put 'Service Above Self'.
SERVICE above self means different things to different people... Service before and above self would lead to an idealistic world with no violence or bullying or anything bad in the world. A lot of the time self service means thinking two steps ahead of what you are doing.
The Rotary People of Action Huntsville is a boots on the ground organization. Our mandate, to support those in our community through the physical action of doing. We believe many hands make light work.
Where Do We Meet?
The Rotary People of Action Huntsville Club meets the 2nd and the 4th Thursday of each month. We understand that family, work and other commitments are also a priority in people's lives and because of that we only meet for an hour, between 5:30-6:30pm at Music on Main. Out of respect for our members we start on time and end on time or earlier.
We also understand that if you are going to give your valuable time to Rotary, it should be fun, build friendships and contacts in the community, so, we meet in a bar! What better place to engage in conversation.
If you are interested in joining us to see what we are all about please email us at peopleofactionhuntsville@gmail.com to let us know you will be joining us!