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Wonder what we do?

Meet the Speakers

Meet the Speakers

Meet the Speakers

Bites and Lights Fellowship Event March 9
Fellowship Event with Rotarians from Huntsville (3 clubs) and Bracebridge

Meet The Speakers

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October 27 Spotlight on Business Sarah Caswell

September 29th Munchies & Mayoral Debate

Mayoral Debate Sponsored By Rotary People of Action

Postponed due to weather now set for Spring 2023
Community Service Project

September 15th replaces September 11
Date: Thursday Sept 15th, 2022
Time: 4pm - SHARP - 7pm
Adventure: Axe Throwing & Archery
Location: 83 Morgan's Rd - Huntsville - Find Your Wild
Cost: $45.20 payable to Find your Wild Day of - if you need to make other arrangements let me know and I would be happy to help
Potluck: We will be holding a pot luck after the adventures
RSVP: To NO LATER THEN Friday Sept 2nd, 2022 with number of people and what you are bringing to Pot Luck
I truly hope you can join us in this fun evening - We have the Terrace which is a nice location for the potluck - If you would like to bring a chair - some seating provided
Time: 4pm - SHARP - 7pm
Adventure: Axe Throwing & Archery
Location: 83 Morgan's Rd - Huntsville - Find Your Wild
Cost: $45.20 payable to Find your Wild Day of - if you need to make other arrangements let me know and I would be happy to help
Potluck: We will be holding a pot luck after the adventures
RSVP: To NO LATER THEN Friday Sept 2nd, 2022 with number of people and what you are bringing to Pot Luck
I truly hope you can join us in this fun evening - We have the Terrace which is a nice location for the potluck - If you would like to bring a chair - some seating provided

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Team Up to Clean Up 2023 Crew!

Meet the Speakers
Our District Governor is coming to our meeting!
This is a big deal in the Rotary world. I do ask you to make every effort to attend. DG Richard Denton will bring word from Rotary International. District 7010, located in Central and Northern-Eastern Ontario and North-Western Quebec, is one of 530 districts of Rotary International - the world’s oldest service organization.
Our district ‘Family of Rotary’ is over 1,450 members strong who belong to one of 42 Rotary clubs, 7 Rotaract clubs and 9 Interact clubs – all serving their local communities as well as Rotary’s global projects and initiatives.
This is a big deal in the Rotary world. I do ask you to make every effort to attend. DG Richard Denton will bring word from Rotary International. District 7010, located in Central and Northern-Eastern Ontario and North-Western Quebec, is one of 530 districts of Rotary International - the world’s oldest service organization.
Our district ‘Family of Rotary’ is over 1,450 members strong who belong to one of 42 Rotary clubs, 7 Rotaract clubs and 9 Interact clubs – all serving their local communities as well as Rotary’s global projects and initiatives.

August 3 Replaces August 11 Meeting
On August 3rd we will be going to Paul Hammonds Garage in Bracebridge with The Rotary Club of Bracebridge as well as members from the morning club and noon club. Rotarian and previous owner of Muskoka Transport Paul Hammond has a building full of antique memorabilia from all over Muskoka. From classic cars to vintage calendars to war-time gas ration tickets this should be a fun and interesting night and a chance to share some fellowship with our Bracebridge friends.
We are looking into getting a bus to get us all down there (more details to follow).
Please RSVP to myself as well as Andrew Smellie (payment is all to be made to Andrew)
We are looking into getting a bus to get us all down there (more details to follow).
Please RSVP to myself as well as Andrew Smellie (payment is all to be made to Andrew)

Wednesday, July 13
Just a reminder that this week's meeting will actually be the President's Night taking place this Wednesday at Hillside Farm from 6-8pm.

Thursday, June 23
Trivia Night at Canvas Brewery 8pm

Thursday, June 9 - 5:30pm Canvas
Working on the direction we wish to go in as a club.

Meet the Speakers
Guest speaker Dr. Rich Trenholm
Opportunities to engage in physical activity, engage with and pursue an active lifestyle, and reap the resulting health benefits should not have barriers related to age, gender, physical ability, or socioeconomic status. Everybody deserves to have the opportunity to live their best life and have the ability to pursue a healthy active lifestyle to physical fitness.
Opportunities to engage in physical activity, engage with and pursue an active lifestyle, and reap the resulting health benefits should not have barriers related to age, gender, physical ability, or socioeconomic status. Everybody deserves to have the opportunity to live their best life and have the ability to pursue a healthy active lifestyle to physical fitness.

Sunday, May 15, Community Event
This community project replaces our May 12th meeting.
Join the Team Up to Clean Up crew as we cleanup our community following the winter. This is community event everyone is welcome.
Registration is preferred at:
Join the Team Up to Clean Up crew as we cleanup our community following the winter. This is community event everyone is welcome.
Registration is preferred at:

Saturday, April 30, Main Street - Maplefest
All hands on deck for our newest event, the pancake breakfast at Maplefest.
This event replaces the meeting normally scheduled on April 28
This event replaces the meeting normally scheduled on April 28

Thursday, April 14, Soapstones
Rotary goes behind the counter at Soapstones to see first hand what it takes to build natural skincare products for humans, and right down to your family pet!
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